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gerard vieille hardy
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"The Swedish Supreme Environmental Court has decided to ban and stopp fish farming in cages in open water in three places and to reduce the amount farmed in another place. This is a result of the so called Weser-judgement from the EU-Court in combination with new Environmental Quality Norms in water in Sweden. The three banned farms will be successively closed within 3 years. The Court question whether cages in open water is the best technique and they also question the possibility for the affected waters to breake down the amounts of nutrients delivered by the farming without being eutrophicated. This judgement will probably bring to an end all fish farming in open cages affecting waters not having reached Good Ecological Status. Whether fish farming could be accepted in Hydro-Electric water magasines with reduced nutrient amounts is still an open question."
https://savethebaltic.wordpress.com/201 … pen-water/
visiblement la décision semble reposer uniquement sur la compatibilité entre l'engraissement, et donc des risques d'eutrophisation, et des secteurs qui ne sont pas en bon état écologique.
Rien sur les virus, la pollution génétique, .....
A suivre
"Le peu qu'on peut faire, le très peu qu'on peut faire, il faut le faire ..." Théodore Monod
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